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Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green

Main features:

Produce 1,0 kg (1.5 l) in 20-25 min – 3 kg – 4,5 l. Hour

Gelato 5L AUTOMATIC prepare your gelato and, when ready, it will store your preparation at the right temperature as long as you wish!
You can process up to 1 kg (1 qt) of mixture in 20-25 minutes, using either the fixed bowl made of 18/10 stainless steel or the handy removable bowl in stainless steel with handle for easier removal. The refrigeration and blending systems are designed for long work cycles.


The environment thank you for your interest in this new generation of ecological gelato machines produced in Italy by Nemox international. We are very proud of this new creation that adopts the best solutions for the environment. It reduces considerably the electricity consumption and at the same time it improve the operation efficiency.

Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green is a semi-professional, table top gelato machine.
It has been specifically developed for restaurants and small businesses who wish to include the production of homemade gelato, but have a limited budget while still aiming for quality standards. 

This machine is made of steel and is equipped with a storage mode that allows to hold the gelato in the machine at the right temperature and consistency ready for serving. Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green comes with a 18/10 stainless steel removable bowl. The mixing paddle is also made of 18/10 stainless steel with removable scrapers to ensure hygiene and strength. Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green is suitable for productions of 1000 g. approximately every 20 minutes. Air cooling. Removable power cord. Two operating options are available.

In manual mode the user has full control of the machine’s functions. An electronic system controls the density of the ice cream and stop the paddle when the consistency gets hard while compressor keeps working. At this point the user can decide whether to stop the machine or switch to the automatic storage mode.

In automatic mode, machine’s functions are controlled entirely by the sophisticated electronic control system.
Simply activate the storage switch. The production cycle will star and, when the ice cream will be at the right consistency, the storage cycle will be activated.

A dedicated software manages to start and stop the mixing paddle and compressor depending on the ingredients’ density in order to keep the ideal consistency for serving. In order to always enjoy an excellent ice cream, we recommend to store the ice cream in the machine for maximum 8 hours.

Some useful tips:

For the preparation of ice creams and sorbets, do not introduce more than 1.000g of mixture, in order to allow for proper volume increase while mixing.
It is recommended to pour the mixture at a temperature between +10°C and +20°C. Higher temperatures may also considerably increase the processing time. Before introducing the mixture into the bowl, we recommend that you run a pre-cooling cycle by pressing the key compressor 5 minutes before starting the production cycle.

We recommend to wait about 10 minutes between one preparation and another.
The design of Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green highlights its “green” heart: being ecological, more efficient, energy saving, and environmentally friendly.

Accessories included:
n. 1 stainless steel removable bowl 2,5 l.
n. 1 spatula
n. 1 measure cup
n.1 Removable inserts set for fixed and removable bowl

Additional information

Appliance Dimensions

450x345x330 mm

Net Weight

22 kg

Production per cycle

Every 20-25 minutes 1 kg (1,6 qt)

Production per hour

3 kg / 4,5 l.

Shipping Carton

580x400x380 mm

Gross weight

25 kg






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Green technology

ICE GREEN is the project designed and implemented by Nemox to help protect the environment by eliminating greenhouse gases, harmful to the environment, from domestic and professional equipment. Why this change?
Greenhouse gases currently commonly used in refrigeration systems are among the main causes of global warming.

These gas, called hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), have a potential impact on the environment hundreds or thousands of times higher than carbon dioxide (Co2):
1 kg of traditional refrigerant gas, for example R404, has an equivalent emission index (called GWP) equal to 3922 kg of CO2.

This means that 1 kg of refrigerant dispersed in the atmosphere is equivalent to the CO2 emissions of a car that travels about 40,000 km. (limits 2021)
Thanks to the production of the i-Green series machines, Nemox has anticipated the actions required by Europe regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases to remedy global warming.

Our goal is to promote a new sustainable business concept in harmony with the environment.
The gas selected is R290 which has a GWP index equal to 3 units of CO2 equivalent.
It’s a NATURAL, ECOLOGICAL, EFFICIENT Gas. The advantages of the i-Green NEMOX line are:
– Reduce the impact on emissions by 99.95%. (As an example: a Nemox Domestic Machine loaded with an HFC gas has a potential emission equal to 90 kg. of Co2 equivalent. The same machine loaded with R290 has a potential emission equal to 9 grams of Co2 equivalent.)
– Use a totally natural gas that does not require further transformations, saving energy.
– Use less quantity of gas with lower pressures and consequently less wear.
– Improve the performance of the thermodynamic system with reduction of preparation times.
– Reduction of energy consumption

The changes do not concern only the technology of the machines, we also wanted to identify them with a new design that highlighted their “green” heart.

We have extended the concept of eco-sustainability to the materials used, giving priority to those that are recyclable at the end of their life and using recycled or recyclable materials, water-based prints and natural glues for packaging.

With the new Nemox i-Green machines it will be possible to produce excellent homemade gelato with energy savings while respecting the environment.

Serie Chef i-Green

Nemox developed the semi-professional range of machines for those who wish to include in their business the production of homemade gelato, but have a limited budget while still aiming for quality standards.

These machines are compact in size, have a stainless-steel body, and offer a storage mode of gelato inside the machine.
These are the main features of this lower budget but super functional range!
The model Gelato Chef 3L Automatic i-Green is suitable for limited productions of 850 g. approximately every 25 minutes.

The model Gelato Chef 5L Automatic i-Green was developed for bigger results with the production of 1 kg every cycle of about 20 minutes.
The design of these machines highlights their “green” heart: being ecological, more efficient, energy saving, and eco-friendly.

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