Climate change is due to the increase in temperature on earth caused by the thickening of greenhouse gases.
Green Technologies

Working progress - Scheduled steps
Study and realization of the first prototypes for efficiency verification and flammability test according to safety standards.
On the occasion of Host 2019 presentation of the project and of the first prototypes under test.
Setting up of the production line complying with safety regulations
Start the approval tests for on the prototypes.
Study of a mini ice cream parlors corner.
Second semester 2020 experimentation with the creation of 2/3 types of premises according to the proposed business model
Prototypes are at IMQ to be tested by an external laboratory for safety and electromagnetic compatibility tests
The first household machines have been approved.
Due to Covid 19 Emergency the end of the project has been extended to 30/06/2021
We have concluded the LCA and LCC research
We are preparing a Webinar for the presentation of the final project.
Completion of commercial technical documentation, catalogues, product sheets, videos
Webinar to present the ICEGREEN project and its results at Sigep Digital Exhibition 2021
Obtaining household ice cream machines certification.
Obtaining professional ice cream machines and storage cases certification.
Project Conclusion.
i-Green machines production starts.